There haven't been any really big things going on here lately. Everyone has been getting sick with a 24hr bug, and then a coughing, sore throat, fever/headache. Kara just got me sick with that, but I am hopeful that it will go by fairly quickly. Last week, on april 17, was Alyssa's 5th birthday! So we celebrated that and it was very fun. She wanted to make sugar cookies with Kara's friend Kody, so in the morning at 7am, when Kody's husband Justin came upstairs to leave for work, she was waiting for him at the top of the stairs to ask if Kody was awake yet and if they could start making cookies, LOL!
Kody usually sleeps til around 11am, so when Justin woke her up at 7:30 to make cookies with Alyssa, we all kinda giggled about it a little bit. She aslo wanted cheese pizza for her birthday dinner and "rainbow icecream" and cake. I got her a little present and made "Dirt Cake!" I was so excited to make it because not only is it fun, it tastes really good. Unfortunately, Alyssa was too scared to eat any of the dirt cake, but everyone else loved it so much, we had the leftovers for breakfast!

Oh, there's also been this thing going on lately, where Kara just doesn't understand that I don;t like hard-shell tacos simply because they are too messy. I enjoy a soft tortilla shell so much more, because it tastes good and it doesn't crumble in your hands when you take a bite. She kept telling me that that is too silly a reason and that she thinks I need to give them another chance before I completely write them off. (Yeah, and here i was thinking I was getting away from Joanna telling me that about anything and everything! LOL, just teasing Joanna, love you) So one day, we went to taco bell after being out at a plan until 11pm, and Kara orders a double decker (a hard-shell taco wrapped inside a soft-shell taco) and she turns to me and says "Katie, this is something that you should maybe look into, cuz it's a hard-shell inside a soft-shell so that it won't be cumbly and messy!" and she was sooo excited for me. I just kinda asked her what it is about taco's that she was so offended that I didn't like them that she felt she needed to defend them from me. It was pretty funny, so it's been a bit of a side joke we refer to a lot. About a week ago, Kara and Coltin decided that they were going to make homemade double-decker tacos for dinner. They were so excited to make them and for me to eat them. They were actually very very tasty, but I still said that I wouldn't order them at TB because I just liked and wanted to get the soft-shell ones because the double deckers were too filling. I think I offended them some more, LOL! But everyone loved them a lot, even 7 mo old Jada!

Then there's all of the times that we have this cool millionare who is only in his early 30's over to talk to us any anybody we bring over just to talk about how he made is money and how easy it would be for anybody else to do the same thing. He talks about how he just refused to take the counsel that he was given by his mentors and and how that slowed him down from his goals for several years, until he finally had something click for him that made him see the sense of listening only to the people in his life who had actually accomplished what he was trying to do, and not letting the other people drag him down and hold him back. It is so great having him come over, often times, after the official talk that he gives to the room, we all just sit around, eat some food and just fool around! He is sooo goofy, you'd find it hard to believe he is a millionare, cuz he is just so normal and funny, and weird :) He's the casual guy sitting on the couch.
Joanna, i figured out how to separate these into paragraphs!